Sunday, May 21, 2023




·         Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) is the most infectious

·         Infection Estimated 10.0 million people in 2019 globally,

·         leading to 1.4 million deaths in 2019

·         Diagnosis of tuberculosis is a challenging task, especially in-Paucibacillary conditions, HIV patients and Pediatric population.


Field of TB diagnostics has seen advances in the form of new molecular tests.

As nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs)

·         Low complexity NAATs -

Gene Xpert MTB/Rif Gene Xpert MTB/ Rif ultra, TrueNat, Xpert XDR etc.

·         Moderate complexity NAATs -

Genotype MTBDplus, BD Max MDR, Abbott Real Time MTB etc.

·         High Complexity Sequencing - 

PSQ (Pyrosequncing), TNGS ( Targeted Next Generation Sequencing), WGS (Whole Genome sequencing)


Recent Advances in Microscopy

According to WHO

LED microscopy is more sensitive than conventional fluorescence and light microscopy.

According to a study by Shenai et al,


LED microscopy

Sensitivity of 78.3%                                                                     

Specificity of 92.0%

Mean time per smear examination- 1.41 minute

ZN stain - 2.48 minutes


Advances in culture

BACTEC MGIT 960 Culture System

Within 10 days-  Recovery of Mycobacterium,

Drug susceptibility testing - In shorter time span.

While LJ culture as – 8 weeks

Culture media- Middlebrook 7H9 broth

But major limitation

-         High cost of equipment

-         Availability only at limited tertiary care centers.

MODS (Microscopic-Observation Drug-Susceptibility) Assay

based on three principles-

1.     MTB grows faster in liquid medium,

2.     Cord formation can be visualized microscopically

3.     Direct drug-susceptibility testing with bacterial growth.

4.     Detect MDR TB


In a meta-analysis of 12 studies, Minion et al have shown

MODS (Microscopic-Observation Drug-Susceptibility)

-sensitivity of 92%

-specificity of 96%

The average contamination rate -6.6%

TAT - 9.2 days  Thus,

~MODS is an inexpensive,

~Rapid alternative to conventional method for DST



Targeted antigen is Lipo-arabinomannan (LAM)

For pulmonary TB,

Sensitivity - 2 to 100%

Specificity - 33 to 100

ž Also called LAM urine assay.

ž LAM is a major constituent of the MTB cell wall.

ž Its presence in urine indicates activation of MTB and can be tested by ELISA.

ž It uses as a rapid point of-care test ,

ž Research to improve their performance is urgently needed.


Molecular TB DST Tests by complexity.



      Genes responsible for Drug Resistance


Gene Target




InhA, katG


gyrA, gyrB


Eis, rrs


1.     Gene Xpert MTB/RIF

·        Developed – in 2010

·        fully automated

·        Detects both – MTB & Rif R in 2 hrs

·        Extracts, purifies, Concentrates, amplifies & target specific sequence of the rpoB gene,

·        RpoB gene responsible for- RIF resistance

·        LOD- 130-150cfu/ml

·        Minimal biohazard and very little technical training

·        sensitivity of 99.1%, specificity of 100%.


2.     Gene xpert mtb/rif ultra

·        Similarly Detects MTB and RIF resistance

·        Overcome the limitations of Old Xpert MTB/RIF

·        Detects silent mutations improving the detection of RIF resistance.

Higher sensitivity (97.92%)

lower specificity (98%)


3.     TrueNat

·        Chip-based nucleic acid amplification test in the detection of MTB (Developed by the India firm MolBio Diagnostic Pvt Ltd  Goa

·        Steps  followed-

·        DNA extraction using Trueprep - MAG protocol.

·       Real-time PCR on chip/Real-time PCR on ABI 7500 



CBNAAT detected 7 negative specimens whereas TrueNat detected 13 negative Specimens



Sensitivity- 94.05

Sensitivity- 86


Specificity- 99


NPV- 96


PPV- 98

Cartridge based

LOD- 100 cfu/ml

Chip based

LOD- 130-150 cfu/ml


4.     Xpert XDR

·        Another PCR-based cartridge designed to run on the GeneXpert

·        Detection of mutations associated with resistance to multiple first and second-line TB drugs extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB).


5.     Probe Based with specific mutation LPA

First Line probe assay- 2008

·        e.g. Genotype MTBR plus

·        Principle- PCR, Hybridization

·        Use- Diagnosis of RIF and INH resistance

·        Sensitivity- 98%

·        Specificity- 99%

·        Target setting of use- Reference laboratory

·        TAT- 5 hrs


Second Line probe assay


·        Developed in 2016

·        Principle- PCR hybridization

·        Use- Diagnosis of FLQ and SLID resistance

·        Sensitivity- 86%

·        Specificity- 99 %

·        Target setting of use- Reference laboratory

·        TAT- 5 hrs



Limitations of LPA

·        Imperfect sensitivity for pauci bacillary disease

·        Open assay increase contamination potential

·        Requires manual interpretation

·        Low throughput

·        Inability to indicate all the SNPs responsible for resistance.



6.     Pyrosequencing (PSQ)

Novel real time DNA sequencing

- Detects XDR TB

- Detects MTB resistance to INH, RIF, and FQ and SLIs (KAN and CAP)


7. Whole genome sequencing

·        Full genome sequencing

·        No prespecified targets needed

·        Detects rare mutations and heteroresistance

·        Reliable and low-cost DNA extraction method

·        1 mL of early positive MGIT cultures that is enough for the WGS sequencing & predict antibiotic resistance in clinical samples


Disadvantages of WGS

·        Requires culture isolates

·        Slower than targeted NGS

·        Complicated bioinformatics

·        Expensive


8. Targeted NGS

·        Sequence directly from sample

·        Large number of gene targets

·        Less expensive than WGS

·        Simpler bioinformatics and storage

·        Detects rare mutations and heteroresistance



Targted sequencing work flow

Whole genome sequencing vs Targeted NGS 



Entire genome sequenced

Large no of specified targets adaptable to new genes, scalable

Needs culture isolates

Directly on sputum

Comprehensive solution

Less information than WGS

Complicated Bioinformatics

Simpler Bioinformatics on cloud

Detects rare variants

Knowledge OF targets needed

Slower TAT- 2-3 week

Faster TAT – 2-3 days



·        For rapid diagnosis of TB Metabolic pathway detection

·        Rapid and effective new tools for TB that can improve TB diagnostics for children and HIV-infected patients.

·        Metabolic breath tests have advantages because these are safe and rapid tool for drug efficacy evaluation during clinical trials.

·        Trials are currently ongoing.
















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  Introduction ·          Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) is the most infectious ·          Infection Estimated 10.0 million people i...